These steps shown in the video can make your mobile faster and run pubg mobile smoothly without any root. and also boost your phone by doing this, by this you can now run pubg mobile on 2gb ram or. Pubg mobile| lag fix (no root) zeus gameplay yt. loading... unsubscribe from zeus gameplay yt? cancel unsubscribe. working... subscribe subscribed unsubscribe 334. loading.... How to fix pubg mobile lag and low resolution issues on android devices. march 24, 2018 axee 0 pubg mobile lag : yes it lags and its even more prominent on the android devices as compared to the ios version..
Pubg mobile starts to lag on your phone once there are too many cache files build up in your phone. it’s not only pubg mobile which starts to lag other application and games also get the effect of this. you simply need to clear the cache of your phone and restart it to fix lag in your game. follow the step to fix the lag.. How do i improve fps or fix lag in pubg rooted mediatek (mtk) devices? update cancel. a d b y h o n e y. how to fix lagging issues in a pubg mobile? reason:- should i root my device? how do i fix the lags and fps drops in mafia 3?. Download and install pubg mobile v0.8.0.9347 mod apk from the link given below. download and install gameguardian apk from the link given below. when installing, hit default, and if you are on rooted device, click on root, otherwise click on no root..