And after this today pubg's desync/lags increased. some minutes ago i untick this option and next match was much better - top2 w/ 6 kills instead of top60-50/0kills now i guess all this desync/lags are in connection with pubg's sound engine.. Pubg on xbox one has been updated to fix movement problems and desync, while also offering free bp and cosmetics in the process. pubg corporation revealed the information via an official blog post. There are disclaimers for this sort of thing and if you want a polished game then wait until the devs take pubg out of early access. it has been out for 3 weeks and the only thing they have done is giive the "we know desync is a problem and will fix it later" spiel. this should be on top of the patch lists rather than adding "thunder" to.
Fix pubg is a new campaign designed to show players everything the developer is working on. one of the most common complaints about pubg’s performance is the network desync, which makes the. This video was for informative and educational purposes to teach/demonstrate to people who don't know what desync is and want to know. the term is thrown around on twitch streams, reddit and. Discussion player desync is getting pretty bad (self.pubattlegrounds) submitted 1 year ago by imjeeves1 title says it all, players are absorbing 20 bullets before dying behind walls, getting headshotted by someone that sprints past your door..